Volunteers in paleontology

Bavarian State Collection for Palaeontology and Geology

Geo- and biodiversity research, taxonomy (history of the earth)
The Bavarian State Collection for Palaeontology and Geology (SNSB-BSPG) has extensive collections of fossils and rocks from all over the world, in the precise identification, documentation and analysis of which the staff on site are also supported by volunteers. Some of these also participate in the publication of research results or the public presentation of these investigations, for example in the form of exhibitions or lectures.

Currently, about 15 volunteers work for the Bavarian State Collection for Palaeontology.

The Palaeontological Museum Munich and the Geological Museum Munich

Public Relations
Numerous volunteers from the two sponsoring associations of the BSPG – the Friends of the Bavarian State Collection of Palaeontology and Geology Munich e.V. and the Friends of the Geological State Collection Munich e.V. – have long provided intensive support for the public relations work of the BSPG. Their support is especially effective at the monthly Sunday openings of the two BSPG museums or during annually recurring events, such as the Long Night of Munich Museums or the Munich Mineral Days. In addition, both sponsoring associations organize regular lecture series on various geoscientific topics.

Approximately 50-60 particularly active volunteers are involved in this area.

Jura Museum Eichstaett

At the Jura Museum Eichstaett and herewith at the Natural History Collection of the Eichstaett Seminary, respectively, volunteers regularly assist with their work. Their activities include, for example, the care of the herbarium, the preparation of fossils from the slab limestone collection and the preparation of UV photographs of selected fossils.