Alpine systems & changing biosphere

SNSB have an excellent infrastructure to document and interpret the changing biosphere. Alpine systems represent a special model region. SNSB research focuses on the understanding of alpine systems, changes and interactions of bio- and geodiversity dynamics in this natural area, but also on its settlement history and anthropogenic influence.

New Flora of Bavaria published

The new Flora of Bavaria contains the complete botanical species list and the current state of plants in Bavaria from the Rhön to the Allgäu. The book contains almost 6,000 Bavarian plant species. A total of almost 16 million observation data were collected.

Our mission

The loss of biodiversity and the transformation of biosphere in the wake of the human-induced global change are among the greatest challenges of the future, in Bavaria and worldwide. Natural history collections make a crucial contribution to finding answers to the related questions.

Prehistoric elefant & more

The Munich Paleontological Museum displays impressive fossils - including the first herbivorous prehistoric reptiles, viviparous Ichthyosaurs with embryos, giant flying dinosaurs, the largest Bavarian dinosaur, mammals of the Ice Age such as the mammoth, giant deer and saber-toothed cat, and the impressive skeleton of the Mühldorf prehistoric elephant.

DNA barcoding

Among natural history collections and museums, the Munich State Zoological Collection is the world's largest sample provider for global DNA barcoding of animal species. In the overall statistics, the ZSM ranks second, just behind the Centre for Biodiversity Genomics in Guelph, Canada, the center for global DNA barcoding and the Barcode of Life Database (BOLD).

Bavarian State Collections of Natural History

The Bavarian State Collections of Natural History (Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns, SNSB) archive around 33 million specimens  – one of the largest and oldest natural history collection in Germany. The state collections are very broadly positioned with anthropology, paleoanatomy, botany, mineralogy, paleontology, geology and zoology. The scientific collections are used in many ways by research, but they also provide a basis for academic education and numerous exhibitions in the SNSB museums.


Munich paleontologists discover a new species of North African predatory dinosaur on historic images

15. January 2025 | Press Releases
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A new species of flying reptiles reshuffles the timeline of pterosaur evolution

11. December 2024 | Press Releases
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Archaic dolphin could hear high frequency sounds

5. November 2024 | Press Releases
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Numbers, data and facts

7 Natural History Collections


zoology, botany,

geology and paleontology,

mineralogy, anthropology und paleoanatomy


33 million specimens


10 Natural History Museums

in Munich, Eichstätt, Bamberg,

Bayreuth, Nördlingen and Nürnberg and the

Botanical Garden München-Nymphenburg

800.000 visitors

30-40 temporary exhibitions

per year


Insektenzeichnungen nach der Natur – Martina Zwanziger

18.12.2024 - 09.03.2025 - Exhibition
Botanischer Garten München-Nymphenburg

Im Fokus der Zeichnerin Martina Zwanziger stehen ihre Insektenbeobachtungen in der Natur. Um den oft [...]

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Tropische Schmetterlinge

14.12.2024 - 09.03.2025 - Exhibition
Botanischer Garten München-Nymphenburg

Im Wasserpflanzenhaus (Haus 4 der Schaugewächshäuser) bietet der Botanische Garten München-Nymphe [...]

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Natur gestaltet – Bauwerke und Ökosysteme

06.12.2024 - 11.01.2026 - Exhibition
Naturkundemuseum Bayern

Erstes Zukunftslabor Naturkundemuseum Bayern In unmittelbarer Nachbarschaft des Museums Mensch und N [...]

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Why collections matter

Where do we feel changes?

Why collections matter

Everyone talks about climate change – the biological response to climate change is visible in large collections.

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Evolutionary research

Why collections matter

Life on Earth is changing constantly – collections help to reveal and understand the changes.

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Discovering new species

Why collections matter

So far, only about 10% of all multicellular living organisms on Earth have been discovered – new species can only be reliably recognized by comparison with already known species.

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