ABS – Access and Benefit Sharing

The SNSB, as part of the CETAF consortium of non-commercial scientific research institutions in Europe, implements the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD) and the Nagoya Protocol. The scientific activities of the SNSB are focused on taxonomic and systematic research, which serve the implementation of the objectives of the CBD. SNSB research activities support the achievement of the goals of the Global Taxonomy Initiative of the Conference of the Parties to the CBD, the Global Strategy for Plant Diversity Conservation, and the Aichi Biodiversity Targets. Together with CETAF, SNSB staff helped develop the CETAF Code of Conduct to comply with European and national ABS laws, and to ensure equitable benefit sharing with source countries.

Current legal situation regarding the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol in the EU and the national implementation in Germany

Further information from the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) (Bundesamt für Naturschutz)

Further information from the German Research Foundation (DFG)

DFG – Informationsmaterial zu Nagoya-Protokoll-relevanten Forschungsvorhaben

DFG – Erläuterungen zu Forschungs- und/oder Entwicklungsvorhaben der DFG (März 21)
Besondere Relevanz:

  • Abschnitt 1.10: Gebotene Sorgfaltspflichten
  • Abschnitt 2: Planung und Durchführung eines Forschungs- und/oder Entwicklungsvorhabens im Hinblick auf ABS-Anforderungen.

Further practical information on the topic of Nagoya & ABS

Kontakt: abs@snsb.de