Bayerischer Pakt für Forschung und Innovation
The Bavarian State Collections of Natural History (SNSB) had been the first research institution in Bavaria concluding a target agreement with the Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst (Bavarian State Ministry of Science and Arts) in June 2018 as part of the funding programme „Bayerischer Pakt für Forschung und Innovation“ (BayPFI). This agreement guarantees annual funds for the years 2019 to 2022 with an increase of 3% per year.
Press release of the Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst, 11.06.2018 (in German):
„Gemeinsam für eine erfolgreiche Zukunft der Staatlichen Naturwissenschaftlichen Sammlungen Bayerns“
Wissenschaftsministerin Prof. Dr. med. Marion Kiechle schließt Zielvereinbarung
im Rahmen des Bayerischen Paktes für Forschung und Innovation ab
The goal is to strengthen the SNSB as a leading non-university research institution in the field of geo- and biodiversity research.
The following projects have so far been funded by the Bavarian Pact for Research and Innovation at the SNSB:
- SNSB research program “SNSB innovativ” for the initiation of third-party funded pilot projects as well as for the promotion of young scientists and women in science.
- Establishment of a competence center for special legal issues of natural science collections, especially with regard to the Nagoya Protocol and correlated legislation
- Development and implementation of a new corporate design including new logos for SNSB and all state collections
- In addition, general strengthening of scientific public relations