
Fossil frogs share their skin care secrets

23. April 2024 | News

Naturkundemuseum Bamberg Palaeontologists of the University College Cork (UCC) and the SNSB have solved a hundred-year-old mystery of how some fossil frogs preserve their fleshy parts – it’s all down to their skin. Palaeontologists Daniel Falk and Prof. Maria McNamara, together with scientists from Ireland, Germany and the UK, studied 45 million year old fossil […]

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We mourn the loss of Dr. Stefan Schmidt

11. April 2024 | News

It is with great sadness that we bid farewell to our long-time colleague, friend and confidant Dr. Stefan Schmidt, who left us far too early on March 13. Stefan was always a driving force at the ZSM, mostly in the background, but always efficient and goal-oriented, and this in so many things such as collection […]

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Baboons in captivity in Ancient Egypt: insights from a collection of mummies

7. December 2023 | News

Skeletal pathologies in ancient Egyptian baboon mummies suggest health problems due to inadequate nutrition and chronic lack of sunlight. An international team led by the Belgian archaeozoologist Prof. Wim van Neer from the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences examined baboon mummies from Ancient Egypt, around 3,000 years old. Apparently, the animals suffered from various […]

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Researchers find new species of bizarre crocodile relatives in East Greenland

30. March 2023 | News

Paleontologists from Portugal, Denmark and Germany have discovered a new species of phytosaur – a bizarre crocodile-like reptile from the Late Triassic – in more than 215 million-year-old river and lake sediments in Jameson Land, East Greenland. SNSB paleontologist Dr. Oliver Wings was also involved in the discovery and description of the fossil. The researchers […]

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