
SNSB Core Facilities

29. January 2024 | Research
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Changing biosphere

3. August 2021 | Research

Natural history collections are essential to demonstrate and study the aspects of the changing biosphere. Botanical, zoological and anthropological collections reflect different aspects of the development of the biosphere, while palaeontological and geological collections shed light on the changes of the geosphere and biosphere in earth’s history. Geodiversity The SNSB’s mineralogical research is devoted to […]

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Alpine systems

3. August 2021 | Research

SNSB research focuses on the understanding of alpine systems, the change and interaction of bio- and geodiversity in this natural area, but also its settlement history and anthropogenic influence. Alpine geosystems Scientists of the Mineralogische Staatssammlung Munich study rocks and deposits. They focus on mineral formations and associations as well as the question of provenance […]

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Research infrastructure

30. July 2021 | Research

Die SNSB-Wissenschafterinnen und Wissenschaftler setzen für ihre Forschung zahlreiche Methoden und Techniken ein, wie z.B. molekulare Phylogenie und Taxonomie, DNA-Barcoding, DScan-Kastendigitalisierung, µCT, und digitales Röntgen, 3D-Laserscanning, 3D-Rekonstruktion, Morphometrie, Ultrastrukturforschung, Raman-Spektroskopie und Isotopenanalyse.

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SNSB IT Center

30. July 2021 | Research

The Information Technology Center of the Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns is the institutional repository for scientific data of the natural history collections and museums belonging to the SNSB. Its major tasks focus on the management of bio- and geodiversity data using different kinds of information technological structures. The facility guarantees a sustainable curation, storage, archiving and provision of such data.

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Genomics Core Facility

30. July 2021 | Research

Menzinger Str. 6780638 MünchenPhone: +49-(0)89 17861 206 Modern research in the life sciences is increasingly based on the use of DNA-based analysis methods. Numerous research groups at the SNSB use genetic analysis methods. The Genomics Core Facility (GCF) bundles the progress already made in this field. The GCF is located in the building of the […]

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Joint projects

30. July 2021 | Research

The scientists of the SNSB Collections and the SNSB IT Center are networked in numerous cooperation projects.

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Bayerischer Pakt für Forschung und Innovation

30. July 2021 | Research

The Bavarian State Collections of Natural History (SNSB) had been the first research institution in Bavaria concluding a target agreement with the Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst (Bavarian State Ministry of Science and Arts) in June 2018 as part of the funding  programme „Bayerischer Pakt für Forschung und Innovation“ (BayPFI). This agreement guarantees annual funds […]

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ABS – Access and Benefit Sharing

30. July 2021 | Research

The SNSB, as part of the CETAF consortium of non-commercial scientific research institutions in Europe, implements the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD) and the Nagoya Protocol. The scientific activities of the SNSB are focused on taxonomic and systematic research, which serve the implementation of the objectives of the CBD. SNSB research activities support the achievement […]

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SNSB Benefit Sharing

30. July 2021 | Research

The SNSB scientists take their obligations regarding their benefit sharing with the countries of origin of genetic resources very seriously. Services to countries of origin of genetic resources (until December 2021): A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X […]

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