Geological Museum Munich

(Geologisches Museum München)

Logo Bayerischen Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie



Director: Prof. Dr. Gert Wörheide


The Geological Museum Munich (Geologisches Museum München) is a museum that forms part of the Bavarian Natural History Collections. Its permanent exhibition “Earth´s Changing Crust” (Erdkruste im Wandel) demonstrates the fundamentals of geology, including topics such as sedimentation, mountain building, volcanism, and plate tectonics. In “Bavaria´s Rocky History” (Bayerns steinige Geschichte) the visitors take a journey back into the millions-of-years-old Bavarian past. This exhibition invites the visitors themselves to examine the rocks and stones; these are contained in the drawers of the showcases. A wall newspaper called “Geo-Forum” presents information on current events in geology, such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, recent research of general interest, etc.

The museum is a public part of the Bavarian State Collection for Paleontology and Geology.

The museum is directly adjacent to the Palaeontological Museum Munich.


Richard-Wagner-Straße 10
80333 München
Tel.: 089 2180 6547