SNSB IT Center

Logo SNSB IT-Zentrum

Menzinger Straße 67
80638 München


Dr. Stefan Seifert

Management of bio- and geodiversity data

The Information Technology Center of the Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns is the institutional repository for scientific data of the natural history collections and museums belonging to the SNSB. Its major tasks focus on the management of bio- and geodiversity data using different kinds of information technological structures. The facility guarantees a sustainable curation, storage, archiving and provision of such data.

The mission comprizes research activities in the field of biodiversity informatics and the implementation of generic information technology like easy-to-use working environments for handling scientific data. The software is mainly designed and set up following the concepts of the Diversity Workbench developer platform. DWB software tools are registered in, a service of ELIXIR Europe.

The SNSB IT Center supports scientists and institutions by offering services to manage the whole data life cycle starting with data entry up to persistent storage and provision as well as delivery of approved and quality-controlled data to national and international portals. Most of the data is managed by DWB network and installations.

Partner for biodiversity informatics

Based on about 20 years IT experience the SNSB IT Center was established in 2006. The in-house technical staff is administrating a server cluster using LINUX and MS Windows platforms with around 60 TByte storage units. The back up systems and archives of the regional computing center Leibniz-Rechenzentrum München are essential part of the storage concepts.

The SNSB IT Center is participating on several national and international initiatives within the field of biodiversity informatics, e. g. acting as a GBIF data publisher and GFBio data center, running a BiNHum search portal for SNSB collections (prototype) and providing a number of services and products, e.g. in connection with the Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NFDI). It hosts data for universitary and non-universitary research partner organisations.

At the EU level the SNSB IT Center contributes significantly to the information science and technology concept development of the CETAF consortium, the design set up of the Distributed System of Scientific Collections (DiSSCo) and its German part DiSSCo-D. DiSSCo is a priority project on the Roadmap 2018 of the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) and will provide unified access to European Natural Science Collections. The SNSB are chairing training activities of the EU COST Action CA17106 – Mobilising Data, Policies and Experts in Scientific Collections (MOBILISE).

The SNSB IT Center offers the direct assignment of Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) for research datasets published via GFBio services and data pipelines, using DataCite services.

SNSB IT-Zentrum und Botanische Staatssammlung

Some scientists and guest scientists of the Bavarian State Collection for Botany work in joint projects with the SNSB IT Center (Section Collections Online)

Team of the SNSB IT-Center

Dr. Stefan Seifert
Head of the SNSB IT-Center
Biodiversity- and Geo-Informatics Scientist, Senior Software Developer, System Engineer
Phone: +49-(0)89-17861-245

Dipl.-Inf.Ariane Grunz
Senior Software Developer
Phone: +49-(0)89-17861-245

Dipl.-Ing. Anton Link
Application Developer
Phone: +49-(0)89-17861-244

Dipl.-Math. Dieter Neubacher
System Administrator and Software Developer
Phone: +49-(0)89-17861-244

Dipl.-Biol. Birgit Rach
Data Scientist and Research Data Curator
Phone: +49-(0)89-17861-304

Dipl.-Biol. Tanja Weibulat
Data Scientist and Research Data Curator
Phone: +49-89-17861-304

Dr. Markus Weiss
Biodiversity- and Geo-Informatics Scientist, Senior Software Developer
Telefon: +49-(0)89-17861-245

Dr. Julia Wellsow
Data Scientist and Research Data Curator
Telefon: +49-(0)89-17861-309

Dipl.-Biol. Ingo Wendt
Data Scientist and Research Data Curator
Phone: +49-089 17861-304

Numbers, data and facts

Diversity Workbench

 represents a virtual research environment for multiple scientific purposes with regard to management and analysis of life and environmental sciences data.

25 millionen

 identificable data records are managed in internal data networks


database installations are technically administrated by the SNSB IT Center


Diversity Workbench


 active user accounts


users within the SNSB

7 SNSB collections and museums

use DWB client software: state collections for botany, zoology, mineralogy, paleontology, paleoanatomy as well as the Jura-Museum and the Museum Mensch und Natur

Global Biodiversity Information Facility – GBIF

more than

15 millionen identificable data records

of life and environmental sciences data in GBIF.

The SNSB are

the largest data provider

in Germany.